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Red Wing Shoes

Target: Men and women, 24-65 who hold what would traditionally be called blue-collar jobs where there is a risk of injury on job sites where steel-toed shoes are required.

Single Most Important Thing to Say: Red Wing Shoes make you feel tough.

Direction: Once you put these shoes on, you get that extra boost of confidence and become, well, maybe too confident.


Out of Home

To be totally honest, I could wholeheartedly rebuild the Statue of Liberty, and make it even better. Sure, I’ve never picked up a hammer before or know what a “flathead” screwdriver even looks like, but I bet you I could rebuild this statue. She’s looking quite dusty up there anyway, I could make her a new hairdo, give her a prettier torch, and wham! Like brand new. She’ll look almost as pretty as me, I mean, how hard can it actually be? Just some chiseling, some climbing, some rearranging. I’m basically Michelangelo. Or was it, Leonardo? Whatever, I got my shoes, my hammer, and a dream. What more does a girl need?

DSW Anchor

Out of Home

Oh my gosh, was I just beaming that entire date. She totally dug me, I mean. The nonstop laughter, the amazing conversation, the eye contact—the restaurant practically cheered for us. She didn’t even flinch when I asked to split the bill. Or when I choked on my steak. I’m sure she’ll be pickin’ up the phone to call me back in no time.


Out of Home

I was in a standoff in the middle of the desert…across from me stood my poor opponent. Red-faced and barren. I stood my ground, as did he. And in one moment, I took my gun from the barrel and bang! All is done. My opponent lays dead in their tracks. Down he goes with the swift movement of my handle, it would make Clint Eastwood cry. Ain’t nothin' to it, but a pair of Red Wings boots and a horseback ridin’ session to make you feel like a true cowboy. 





Ah, I see. The Silversmith is the shoe for you. Bold yet sleek, and goes with about anything. A diverse shoe that’s perfect for you, whether you're dealing with melting metals creating crowns and rings for kings and queens or picking locks for the most crafty thieves, we got it for you. With these, you’ll not only become the best welder in town but the quickest locksmith the world has seen, so at; enter you could even crack a vault. You’ll be as confident as a BlackSmith. 





I could clean the Empire State Building in an hour, tops. No help at all, just me, my shoes and my squeegee. Zipping and zapping like Spider-man, going up, down, sideways, left and right. No one has seen such a proficient window wiper before me. Leaving windows crystal clean, at optimum speed. See how I just rhymed so easily? God, I can do anything. Next I could even scale the London Shard, the Eiffel Tower, or even the Sears Tower. Could you imagine how magnificent those gleaming windows will be once I’m through with all of them? I could fall from the sky and still manage to land right on my feet. 



After this rock-climbing class I can do anything. A mountain named Everest ain’t got nothin on me. I can climb it in .2 seconds, with no strings, no nothin. I got my boots and my grit, that’s all I need. Hell, I could be the next, whatever his name is, and win me a medal. I bet I could use my bare hands too, no gloves and no ice pick either. The cold doesn’t get to me, and no mountain can stand in my way. Going upside down and all around, making the mountain my own. They’ll change it from Mount Everest to Mountain Me. I can do anything with my Red Wings. 

Art direction: Keaira Williams and Caroline Shasek

Copywriting: Marcella Griffin

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